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Author List: S

Śankarâchârya; Charles Johnston: The Crest-Jewel of Wisdom [1946]
Sa'di; Edwin Arnold: The Gulistan [1899]
Saint-Germain, Comte de; Manly Palmer Hall: The Most Holy Trinosophia [1933]
Samosata, Lucian of; H. W. Fowler; F. G. Fowler: The Works of Lucian [1905]
Samosata, Lucian of; A.L.H.: Mimes of the Courtesans [1928]
Samosata, Lucian of: A True Story: Parallel English/Greek [1847-50]
Samosata, Lucian of; Herbert A. Strong: The Syrian Goddess [1913]
Sanâ'î, Hakîm Abû' L-Majd Majdûd; J. Stephenson: The Enclosed Garden of the Truth [1910]
Sanger, Margaret: Woman and the New Race [1920]
Sankarâkârya; George Thibaut: The Vedântâ-Sûtras Part I (SBE 34) [1890]
Sankarâkârya; George Thibaut: The Vedântâ-Sûtras Part II (SBE 38) [1896]
Sapir, Edward: Yana Texts [1910]
Sappho; Edwin Marion Cox: The Poems of Sappho [1925]
Sappho; Edwin Marion Cox: The Poems of Sappho (Unicode) [1925]
Schlaginteweit, Emil: Buddhism In Tibet [1863]
Schliemann, Paul: How I Found the Lost Atlantis, The Source of All Civilization [1912]
Scholasticus, Socrates; Sozomen: Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Ser. II, Vol. II [1847-50]
Schreck, J.E.; Emanuel Swedenborg: Prophets and Psalms [1761]
Scott, Sir Walter: Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft [1885]
Scott-Elliot, W.: The Story of Atlantis [1896]
Scott-Elliot, W.: The Lost Lemuria [1904]
Seaton, R.C.; Apollonius Rhodius: The Argonautica [1912]
Seiss, Joseph A.: A Miracle in Stone: or The Great Pyramid of Egypt [1877]
Selassie, Haile: The Wisdom of Rastafari
Sellar, A.M.; Bede: Bede's Ecclesiastical History of England [731]
Senzaki, Nyogen; Ekai; Huikai; Mu-mon; Paul Reps: The Gateless Gate [1934]
Severus, Sulpitius; Vincent of Lerins; John Cassian: Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Ser. II, Vol. XI [1847-50]
Seymore, John D.: Irish Witchcraft and Demonology [1913]
Shabistari, Sa'd Ud Din Mahmud; Florence Lederer: The Secret Rose Garden [1920]
Shaihu, Maalam; R. Sutherland Rattray: Hausa Folklore [1913]
Shakespeare, William: Anthony and Cleopatra [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: A Lovers' Complaint [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: All's Well That Ends Well [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: As You Like It [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: Comedy of Errors [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: Coriolanus [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: Cymbeline [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: Hamlet [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: Julius Caeser [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: King Henry the Fourth, Part I [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: King Henry the Fourth, Part II [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: King Henry the Fifth [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: King Henry the Sixth, Part I [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: King Henry the Sixth, Part II [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: King Henry the Sixth, Part III [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: King Henry the Eighth [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: King John [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: King Richard the Second [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: King Richard the Third [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: King Lear [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: Loves Labour Lost [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: Macbeth [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: Much Ado About Nothing [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: Measure for Measure [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: Midsummers' Night Dream [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: Merchant of Venice [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: Merry Wives of Windsor [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: Othello [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: Pericles, Prince of Tyre [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: Romeo and Juliet [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: Rape of Lucrece [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: Sonnets [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: Titus Andronicus [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: Troilus and Cressida [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: Tempest [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: Two Gentlemen of Verona [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: Two Noble Kinsmen [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: Timon of Athens [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: Taming of the Shrew [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: Twelfth Night [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: The Winter's Tale [1847-50]
Shakespeare, William: Venus and Adonis [1847-50]
Shaku, Soyen; Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki: Zen for Americans [1906]
Sharpe, Samuel; E. A. Wallis Budge: Egyptian Mythology and Egyptian Christianity [1863]
Shea, John Gilmary; Alban Butler; Benziger: Lives of the Saints [1894]
Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft: Frankenstein [1818]
Shelton, A.L.: Tibetan Folk Tales [1925]
Shepard, Odell: Lore of the Unicorn [1930]
Shortland, Edward: Maori Religion and Mythology [1882]
Shumway, Daniel B.: The Nibelungenlied [1909]
Sickels, Daniel: General Ahiman Rezon [1868]
Sikes, Wirt: British Goblins [1881]
Silesius, Angelus; Julia Bilger: Alexandrines: translated from the "Cherubinischer Wandersmann" [1944]
Silesius, Angelus; J. E. Crawford Flitch: Selections from The Cherubinic Wanderer [1932]
Sinh, Pancham: The Hatha Yoga Pradipika [1914]
Skene, William F.: The Gododdin Poems [1868]
Skene, William F.: The Four Ancient Books of Wales [868]
Skinner, Charles M.: Myths and Legends of Our Own Land [1896]
Smith, George: The Chaldean Account of the Deluge [1873]
Smith, Richard Gordon: Ancient Tales and Folk-lore of Japan [1918]
Smith, S. Percy: The Lore of the Whare-Wananga [1913]
Smithers, L.C.; Richard Burton: The Priapeia [1890]
Smithson, John H.; Emanuel Swedenborg; George Bush; James F. Buss: Spiritual Diary [1747-65]
Smyth, Julian K.; William F. Wunsch: The Gist of Swedenborg [1920]
Snyder, Gary: The Smokey the Bear Sutra
Sophocles; R. C. Trevelyan: Ajax [1919]
Sophocles; R. C. Jebb: Antigone [1902]
Sophocles; F. Storr: Oedipus at Colonus [1912-3]
Sophocles; R. C. Jebb: Electra [1873]
Sophocles; F. Storr: Oedipus the King (Oedipus Rex) [1912-3]
Sophocles; Thomas Francklin: Philoctetes [1759]
Sophocles; R. C. Jebb: The Trachiniae [1902]
Sozomen; Socrates Scholasticus: Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Ser. II, Vol. II [1847-50]
Spence, Lewis: The Myths of Mexico and Peru [1913]
Spence, Lewis: The Popul Vuh [1908]
Spence, Lewis: Legends and Romances of Brittany [1917]
Spence, Lewis: Hero Tales and Legends of the Rhine [1915]
Spence, Lewis: Legends and Romances of Spain [1920]
Spencer, Baldwin; F. J. Gillen: The Native Tribes of Central Australia [1899]
Spencer, Baldwin: Native Tribes of the Northern Territory of Australia [1914]
Spenser, Edmund: The Faerie Queene [1596]
Spicer, Dorothy Gladys: Festivals of Western Europe [1958]
Squire, Charles: Celtic Myth and Legend [1905]
Stanton, Elizabeth Cady: The Woman's Bible [1895]
Stefansson, J.; W.G. Collingwood: The Life and Death of Cormac the Skalda [1901]
Stephen, A. M.: Navaho Origin Legend [1930]
Stephens, James: The Crock of Gold [1912]
Stephens, James: Irish Fairy Tales [1920]
Stephenson, J.; Hakîm Abû' L-Majd Majdûd Sanâ'î: The Enclosed Garden of the Truth [1910]
Steward, Julian H.: Some Western Shoshoni Myths [1943]
Stirling, Matthew W.: Origin Myth of Acoma [1942]
Stockham, Alice B.: Karezza, Ethics of Marriage [1903]
Stocks, J. L.; Aristotle: On The Heavens [1922]
Stoker, Bram: Dracula [1897]
Stoker, Bram: Lair of the White Worm [1911]
Stokes, Whitely: The Destruction of Dá Derga's Hostel [1910]
Storr, F.; Sophocles: Oedipus at Colonus [1912-3]
Storr, F.; Sophocles: Oedipus the King (Oedipus Rex) [1912-3]
Stratton, Florence; Bessie M. Reid; Berniece Burrough: When the Storm God Rides: Tejas and other Indian Legends [1936]
Strong, Dawsonne Melanchthon: The Udâna [1902]
Strong, Herbert A.; Lucian of Samosata: The Syrian Goddess [1913]
Strutt, Joseph: Sports and Pastimes of the People of England [1903]
Stukeley, William: Stonehenge, A Temple Restor'd to the British Druids [1740]
Sturlson, Snorri; Samuel Laing: Heimskringla or The Chronicle of the Kings of Norway [1844]
Sturlson, Snorri; Arthur Gilchrist Brodeur: The Prose Edda [1916]
Subrahmanyam, S.V.; Ernest Wood: The Garuda Purana [1911]
Summers, Montague: The Vampire, his Kith and Kin [1928]
Summers, Montague: The Malleus Maleficarum [1486]
Suzuki, D.T.; Paul Carus: The Canon of Reason and Virtue [1913]
Suzuki, Daisetz Teitaro: Mysticism, Christian and Buddhist [1957]
Suzuki, Daisetz Teitaro: Manual of Zen Buddhism [1935]
Suzuki, Daisetz Teitaro; Soyen Shaku: Zen for Americans [1906]
Suzuki, Teitaro: Açvaghosha's Discourse on the Awakening of Faith in the Mahâyâna [1900]
Suzuki, Teitaro; Paul Carus: T'ai Shang Kan-Ying P'ien [1906]
Suzuki, Teitaro; Paul Carus: Yin Chih Wen, The Tract of the Quiet Way [1906]
Swanton, John R.: Haida Songs [1912]
Swanton, John R.: Tlingit Myths and Texts [1909]
Swanton, John R.: Myths and Tales of the Southeastern Indians [1929]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; John F. Potts: Arcana Coelestia [1749-56]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; John Whitehead: Apocalypse Explained [1757-9]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; John Whitehead: Apocalypse Revealed [1766]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; Samuel H. Worcester: Athanasian Creed [1759]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; John Whitehead: Brief Exposition [1769]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; John Whitehead: Canons [1769]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; John Whitehead: Charity [1766]
Swedenborg, Emanuel: Conjugial Love [1768]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; John Whitehead: Coronis [1771]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; John Whitehead: De Conjugio [1766]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; Samuel H. Worcester: De Domino [1760]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; John Whitehead: Divine Love [1762-3]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; John F. Potts: Doctrine of the Lord [1763]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; John C. Ager: Divine Love and Wisdom [1763]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; John F. Potts: Doctrine of Faith [1763]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; John F. Potts: Doctrine of Life [1763]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; William Frederic Wunsch: Divine Providence [1764]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; John F. Potts: Doctrine of Sacred Scriptures [1763]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; John Whitehead: De Verbo [1762]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; John Whitehead: Divine Wisdom [1762-3]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; John Whitehead: Earths in the Universe [1758]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; John Whitehead: God the Savior [1768]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; John C. Ager: Heaven and Hell [1758]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; John Whitehead: Invitation to the New Church [1771]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; John Whitehead: Interaction of the Soul and Body [1769]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; John Whitehead: Last Judgment [1758]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; John Whitehead: Last Judgment Continued [1758]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; John Whitehead: Last Judgment Posthumous [1757-9]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; J.E. Schreck: Prophets and Psalms [1761]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; George Bush; John H. Smithson; James F. Buss: Spiritual Diary [1747-65]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; John Whitehead: True Christian Religion [1771]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; John Whitehead: The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine [1758]
Swedenborg, Emanuel; John Whitehead: White Horse [1758]
Symonds, John Addington: A Problem in Greek Ethics [1901]
Symonds, John Addington: A Problem in Modern Ethics [1896]
Synge, John M.: In Wicklow and West Kerry [1912]
Synge, John M.: The Aran Islands [1907]
Syrus, Ephraim; Gregory the Great (II); Aphrahat: Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Ser. II, Vol. XIII [1847-50]

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