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Author List: K

Kabir; Rabindranath Tagore; Evelyn Underhill: Songs of Kabîr [1915]
Kakakusu, J.; E.B. Cowell; F. Max Müller: Buddhist Mahâyâna Texts (SBE 49) [1894]
Kalidasa; Arthur W. Ryder: Kalidasa: Translations of Shakuntala and Other Works [1914]
Kalisch, Isidor: Sepher Yezirah [1877]
Kant, Immanuel: The Critique of Judgement [1790]
Kant, Immanuel: The Critique of Practical Reason [1788]
Kant, Immanuel: The Critique of Pure Reason [1781]
Kant, Immanuel: Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of Morals [1785]
Kant, Immanuel: Introduction to the Metaphysic of Morals [1785]
Kant, Immanuel: The Metaphysical Elements of Ethics [1780]
Kant, Immanuel: Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics [1783]
Kant, Immanuel: The Science of Right [1790]
Katō, Genchi; Hikoshirō Hoshino: Kogoshui: Gleanings from Ancient Stories [1926]
Keightley, Thomas: The Fairy Mythology [1870]
Keightley, Thomas: Secret Societies of the Middle Ages [1837]
Keith, Arthur Berriedale: The Yajur Veda (Taittiriya Sanhita) [1914]
Kelley, Ruth Edna: The Book of Hallowe'en [1919]
Kelly, Edward: The Stone of the Philosophers
Kempis, Thomas a; William Benham: Imitation of Christ [1418]
Kennedy, Patrick: Legendary Fictions of the Irish Celts [1891]
Kennon, J.L.; Eros Urides: The Planet Mars and its Inhabitants [1922]
Kenton, Edna: The Book of Earths [1928]
Kepler, Johannes; Charles Glenn Wallis: Harmonies of the World [1939]
Kermode, P.M.C.: Traces of the Norse Mythology in the Isle of Man [1904]
Kern, H.: Saddharma-pundarîka (The Lotus Sutra) (SBE 21) [1884]
Keyhoe, Donald: The Flying Saucers Are Real [1950]
Khan, Pir-o-Murshid Inayat: A Sufi Message of Spritual Liberty [1914]
Khayyam, Omar; Edward Fitzgerald: The Rubayyat of Omar Khayyam [1859]
Kilner, Walter J.: The Human Atmosphere [1920]
King, Charles William: The Gnostics and Their Remains [1887]
King, Godfré Ray; Guy Warran Ballard: Unveiled Mysteries [1934]
King, Henry Churchill: The Seeming Unreality of the Spiritual Life [1908]
King, John; John Calvin: 1. Genesis, Part I [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 2. Genesis, Part II [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 3. Harmony of the Law, Part I [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 4. Harmony of the Law, Part II [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 5. Harmony of the Law, Part III [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 6. Harmony of the Law, Part IV [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 7. Joshua [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 8. Psalms, Part I [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 9. Psalms, Part II [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 10. Psalms, Part III [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 11. Psalms, Part IV [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 12. Psalms, Part V [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 13. Isaiah, Part I [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 14. Isaiah, Part II [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 15. Isaiah, Part III [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 16. Isaiah, Part IV [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 17. Jeremiah and Lamentations, Part I [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 18. Jeremiah and Lamentations, Part II [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 19. Jeremiah and Lamentations, Part III [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 20. Jeremiah and Lamentations, Part IV [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 21. Jeremiah and Lamentations, Part V [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 22. Ezekiel, Part I [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 23. Ezekiel, Part II [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 24. Daniel, Part I [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 25. Daniel, Part II [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 26. Hosea [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 27. Joel, Amos, Obadiah [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 28. Jonah, Micah, Nahum [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 29. Habakkuk, Zephaniah, and Haggai [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 30. Zechariah, Malachai [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 31. Matthew, Mark and Luke, Part I [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 32. Matthew, Mark and Luke, Part II [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 33. Matthew, Mark and Luke, Part III [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 34. John, Part I [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 35. John, Part II [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 36. Acts, Part I [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 37. Acts, Part II [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 38. Romans [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 39. Corinthians, Part I [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 40. Corinthians, Part II [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 41. Galatians and Ephesians [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 42. Philippians, Colossians, and Thessalonians [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 43. Timothy, Titus, and Philemon [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 44. Hebrews [1847-50]
King, John; John Calvin: 45. Catholic Epistles [1847-50]
King, L. W.: The Enuma Elish (The Epic of Creation) [1902]
King, L.W.: The Code of Hammurabi [1915]
King, L.W.: The Seven Tablets of Creation [1902]
King, Leonard W.: Legends of Babylonia and Egypt [1916]
Kingsford, Anna; Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus; Edward Maitland: The Virgin of the World [1885]
Kingsford, Anna: Clothed With The Sun [1889]
Kingsley, Charles: The Heroes, or Greek Fairy Tales for my Children [1901]
Kirby, W. F.: The Hero of Esthonia [1895]
Kirk, Robert; Andrew Lang: The Secret Common-Wealth of Elves, Fauns and Fairies [1893]
Klah, Hasteen; Mary C. Wheelwright: Navajo Creation Myth [1942]
Knight, Richard Payne: A Discourse on the Worship of Priapus [1786]
Knowlson, T. Sharper: The Origins of Popular Superstitions and Customs [1910]
Knox, George William; Kyuso; Muro Naokiyo: The Shundai Zatsuwa (A Japanese Philosopher) [1892]
Koresh; Cyrus Reed Teed: The Cellular Cosmogony [1922]
Kramer, Samuel Noah: Sumerian Mythology [1944, 1961]
Kready, Laura F.: A Study of Fairy Tales [1916]
Kroeber, A. L.: Religion of the Indians of California [1907]
Kroeber, A. L.: Indian Myths Of South Central California. [1907]
Kroeber, A. L.: Two Myths of the Mission Indians [1906]
Kuno, Meyer: The Voyage of Bran [1895]
Kúnos, Ignácz; Willy Pogany: Forty-four Turkish Fairy Tales [1913]
Kyuso; Muro Naokiyo; George William Knox: The Shundai Zatsuwa (A Japanese Philosopher) [1892]

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