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Author List: C

Caesar, Julius; W.A. McDevitte; W.S. Bohn: Works of Julius Caesar [1869]
Caius; Hippolytus; Cyprian; Novatian: Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. V [1847-50]
Callaway, Henry: The Religious System of the Amazulu [1870]
Callow, Edward: The Phynodderree and Other Legends of the Isle of Man [1882]
Callow, Edward: The Phynodderree and Other Legends of the Isle of Man [1882]
Calvert, Albert F.: The Aborigines of Western Australia [1894]
Calvin, John; John King: 1. Genesis, Part I [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 2. Genesis, Part II [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 3. Harmony of the Law, Part I [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 4. Harmony of the Law, Part II [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 5. Harmony of the Law, Part III [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 6. Harmony of the Law, Part IV [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 7. Joshua [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 8. Psalms, Part I [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 9. Psalms, Part II [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 10. Psalms, Part III [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 11. Psalms, Part IV [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 12. Psalms, Part V [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 13. Isaiah, Part I [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 14. Isaiah, Part II [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 15. Isaiah, Part III [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 16. Isaiah, Part IV [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 17. Jeremiah and Lamentations, Part I [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 18. Jeremiah and Lamentations, Part II [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 19. Jeremiah and Lamentations, Part III [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 20. Jeremiah and Lamentations, Part IV [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 21. Jeremiah and Lamentations, Part V [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 22. Ezekiel, Part I [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 23. Ezekiel, Part II [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 24. Daniel, Part I [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 25. Daniel, Part II [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 26. Hosea [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 27. Joel, Amos, Obadiah [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 28. Jonah, Micah, Nahum [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 29. Habakkuk, Zephaniah, and Haggai [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 30. Zechariah, Malachai [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 31. Matthew, Mark and Luke, Part I [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 32. Matthew, Mark and Luke, Part II [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 33. Matthew, Mark and Luke, Part III [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 34. John, Part I [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 35. John, Part II [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 36. Acts, Part I [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 37. Acts, Part II [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 38. Romans [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 39. Corinthians, Part I [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 40. Corinthians, Part II [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 41. Galatians and Ephesians [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 42. Philippians, Colossians, and Thessalonians [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 43. Timothy, Titus, and Philemon [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 44. Hebrews [1847-50]
Calvin, John; John King: 45. Catholic Epistles [1847-50]
Calvin, John; Henry Beveridge: The Institutes of the Christian Religion [1845]
Calvin, John; Henry Beveridge: On the Christian Life [1845]
Calvin, John; Henry Beveridge: Of Prayer [1845]
Cambell, W. L.: She-rab Dong-bu (The Tree of Wisdom) [1919]
Camoens, Luis de; William Julius Mickle: The Lusiad [1776]
Campanella, Tommaso: The City of the Sun [1637]
Campanella, Tommaso: The City of the Sun [1637]
Campbell, J. F.: Popular Tales of the West Highlands, Vol. I [1890]
Campbell, J. F.: Popular Tales of the West Highlands, Vol. II [1890]
Campbell, J. F.: Popular Tales of the West Highlands, Vol. III [1890]
Campbell, J. F.: Popular Tales of the West Highlands, Vol. IV [1890]
Cannon, Frank J.; Harvey J. O'Higgins: Under the Prophet in Utah [1911]
Carmicheal, Alexander: Carmina Gadelica, Vol. I [1900]
Carmicheal, Alexander: Carmina Gadelica, Vol. II [1900]
Carpenter, Edward: Pagan and Christian Creeds [1922]
Carpenter, Edward: Ioläus [1918]
Carpenter, Edward: Intermediate Types Among Primitive Folk [1914]
Carpenter, Edward: Love's Coming of Age [1906]
Carpenter, Frederick V.; John Steven McGroarty: Mission Memories [1929]
Carter, Jesse Benedict: The Religion of Numa [1906]
Carus, Paul: Buddha, the Gospel
Carus, Paul: Buddha, the Word
Carus, Paul: The History of the Devil [1900]
Carus, Paul; D.T. Suzuki: The Canon of Reason and Virtue [1913]
Carus, Paul; Teitaro Suzuki: T'ai Shang Kan-Ying P'ien [1906]
Carus, Paul; Teitaro Suzuki: Yin Chih Wen, The Tract of the Quiet Way [1906]
Carus, Titus Lucretius; William Ellery Leonard: On The Nature Of Things [1847-50]
Cassian, John; Sulpitius Severus; Vincent of Lerins: Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Ser. II, Vol. XI [1847-50]
Ch'ien, Ssuma; Herbert J. Allen: Excerpts from Ssuma Ch'ien [1894-5]
Chalmers, Robert: The Jataka, Vol. I [1895]
Chamberlain, Basil Hall: Aino Folk-Tales [1888]
Chamberlain, Basil Hall: The Kojiki [1919]
Chamberlain, Basil Hall: The Kojiki [1919]
Channing, William Ellery: Unitarian Christianity [1819]
Charles, R.H.: The Book of Enoch [1917]
Charles, R.H.: The Book of Jubilees [1917]
Chatterji, Hari Prasanna; Swami Vijnanananda: The S'rimad Devî Bhâgawatam [1921]
Chatterji, Hari Prasanna; Swami Vijnanananda: The Devî Gita [1921]
Child, Francis James: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads [1882-1898]
Chrysostom, St.: Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Vol. IX [1847-50]
Chrysostom, St.: Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Vol. X [1847-50]
Chrysostom, St.: Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Vol. XI [1847-50]
Chrysostom, St.: Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Vol. XII [1847-50]
Chrysostom, St.: Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Vol. XIII [1847-50]
Chrysostom, St.: Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Vol. XIV [1847-50]
Church, Alfred John; William Jackson Brodribb: The Works of Tacitus [1864-1877]
Churchward, James: The Sacred Symbols of Mu [1933]
Clark, Galen: Indians of the Yosemite Valley and Vicinity [1904]
Clement; Origen: Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. IX [1847-50]
Clodd, Edward: Tom Tit Tot, An Essay on Savage Philosophy in Folk-Tale [1898]
Clouston, W. A.: The Book of Noodles [1888]
Cockren, A.: Alchemy Rediscovered and Restored [1941]
Cole, Mabel Cook: Philippine Folk Tales [1916]
Coleridge, E. P.; Euripides: Andromache [1910]
Coleridge, E. P.; Euripides: The Cyclops [1910]
Coleridge, E. P.; Euripides: Electra [1910]
Coleridge, E. P.; Euripides: Hecuba [1910]
Coleridge, E. P.; Euripides: Helen [1910]
Coleridge, E. P.; Euripides: The Heracleidae [1910]
Coleridge, E. P.; Euripides: Heracles [1910]
Coleridge, E. P.; Euripides: Hippolytus [1910]
Coleridge, E. P.; Euripides: Medea [1910]
Coleridge, E. P.; Euripides: Orestes [1910]
Coleridge, E. P.; Euripides: The Suppliants [1910]
Collingwood, W.G.; J. Stefansson: The Life and Death of Cormac the Skalda [1901]
Colum, Padraic; Homer: The Adventures of Odysseus and the Tale of Troy [1918]
Colum, Padraic: Orpheus, Myths of the World [1930]
Colum, Padraic: The King of Ireland's Son [1916]
Colum, Padraic; Willy Pogany: The Children of Odin [1920]
Comfort, W.W.; Chretien DeTroyes: Cliges [1914]
Comfort, W.W.; Chretien DeTroyes: Erec et Enide [1914]
Compton, Margaret: American Indian Fairy Tales [1907]
Confucius; James Legge: The Confucian Canon in Chinese and English [1893]
Confucius; James Legge: Confucian Analects (Lun Yü) [1893]
Confucius; James Legge: The Great Learning (Ta Hsüeh) [1893]
Confucius; James Legge: The Doctrine Of The Mean (Chung Yung) [1893]
Congreve, William; Sir Samuel Garth; John Dryden; Alexander Pope; Joseph Addison; Ovid; Publius Ovidius Naso: The Metamorphoses [[1717]]
Connelly, J. H.; Nicolas Notovitch; L. Landsberg: The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ [1890]
Cooper-Oakley, Isabel: The Comte de St. Germain [1912]
Cooper-Oakley, Isabel: Traces of a Hidden Tradition in Masonry and Medieval Mysticism [1900]
Cory, Alexander Turner: The Hieroglyphics of Horapollo [1840]
Cory, I. P.: Ancient Fragments [1832]
Costa, Hippolyto Joseph da: The Dionysian Artificers [1820]
Court, US Supreme: Roe v. Wade [1973]
Couzens, Reginald C.: The Stories of the Months and Days [1923]
Cowell, E.B.; F. Max Müller; J. Kakakusu: Buddhist Mahâyâna Texts (SBE 49) [1894]
Cowley, A.E.; A. Neubauer: Original Hebrew of a Portion of Ecclesiasticus [1897]
Cox, Edwin Marion; Sappho: The Poems of Sappho [1925]
Cox, Edwin Marion; Sappho: The Poems of Sappho (Unicode) [1925]
Crawford, John Martin: The Kalevala (English) [1888]
Creswick, Paul; N.C. Wyeth: Robin Hood [1902]
Croker, Thomas Crofton: Fairy Legends and Traditions [1825]
Crossing, William: Tales of the Dartmoor Pixies [1890]
Crowley, Aleister; S.L. MacGregor Mathers: The Lesser Key of Solomon [1904]
Cumont, Franz: Astrology and Religion Among the Greeks and Romans [1912]
Cumont, Franz: The Mysteries of Mithra [1903]
Cumont, Franz: The Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism [1911]
Cumont, Franz: The Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism [1911]
Curtin, Jeremiah: A Journey in Southern Siberia [1909]
Curtin, Jeremiah: Creation Myths of Primitive America [1898]
Curtin, Jeremiah: Seneca Indian Myths [1922]
Curtin, Jeremiah: Myths and Folklore of Ireland [1890]
Curtin, Jeremiah: Tales of Fairies and of the Ghost World [1895]
Cushing, Frank Hamilton: Outline of Zuñi Mytho-Sociologic Organization [1891-1892]
Cushing, Frank Hamilton: Zuñi Fetiches [1883]
Cushing, Frank Hamilton: Remarks on Shamanism [1897]
Cushing, Frank Hamilton: Form and Form and the Dance Drama [1896]
Cushing, Frank Hamilton: Corn Raising: The Decay of the Seed [1884]
Cushing, Frank Hamilton: Corn Raising: The Regeneration of the Seed [1884]
Cushing, Frank Hamilton: Clowns, Priests, and Festivals of the Kâ'-kâ [1885]
Cushing, Frank Hamilton: Creation and the Origin of Corn [1884]
Cushing, Frank Hamilton: Cushing: Zuñi Folk Tales [1901]
Cyprian; Hippolytus; Caius; Novatian: Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. V [1847-50]
Czaplicka, M. A.: Shamanism in Siberia [1914]

Next: Author List: D